Sunday, November 2, 2014

Here goes Nothin'

Well, I started a blog.  I also started an interest in the exciting world of Passive Income (que epic sci-fi echo sound effect).  I should say, I started an interest some time ago but could not drum up the funds to begin.  Or so I thought.  What was really happening was that I had debt and I felt like little old me couldn't ever accumulate enough capital to actually be an 'investor'.  I had my funds through work and a small savings account and there I sat, plodding along.  Until I began to read different blogs and such and realized there is a whole lot of other schmucks just sitting there plodding along, without much capital and they really are 'investors'.

Hey! Why can't I be a plodding investor too?  

So I kicked the debt and started a trickle which I hope to turn into a stream and eventually a flow.  And I also started this blog so that I can put my thoughts down and keep myself honest.  If anybody is out there reading, maybe they can keep me honest too.

In a little while, once I figure out this blog-thing, I'll try to update my current status.


  1. Every penny invested is a step in the right direction. One penny becomes two, which becomes three, than four. Keep on building, however slow it might feel, and one day you'll realize you're sitting on a solid stream of income. Happy to follow along as you begin this journey!

  2. Just remember that the lower your expenses, the less you have to invest/save. Or the old adage, it's easier to save a penny than make a penny.

    Thanks for putting us on your blog list. We appreciate it. Best of luck!

    Wallet Engineer

    1. Too true. The pull of the rat race and modern niceties are hard to avoid. That's something we all struggle with. Just gotta create a little cushion, re-evaluate what really matters and try to enjoy life.

      I've enjoyed reading your blog along with many others. I learn a little from a lot of people and get many great ideas from so many. I have to admit I'm kind of a dummy at this stuff and have borrowed investing tips from a lot of other's writings.
