Friday, November 28, 2014

Recent Buys - That Dummy Bought What?

Let me start by pointing your attention to my disclaimer at the bottom of the page and also say that I am only at the beginning of a long haul that I am hoping will bear fruit down the line.  I made a couple of buys recently that may turn out to be good, or may turn out to be bad.  I feel that I have enough safety (for my tastes) built into the rest of my total portfolio that I can afford a little risk along the way.  Let's also assume that I will push ahead in the coming months to add more run-of-the-mill, traditional dividend stocks.  But I wanted to grab a couple pieces now that may pay well or perhaps better.  So let's get to it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Recent Buys - Let's keep this ball a rollin'

Like many others, I squeezed in a few more Loyal3 buys before they stopped accepting credit card orders.  This had helped because of the 1.5% cashback I was getting from the card company.  Well, I only had the chance to enjoy a few orders with the cashback bonus, but Loyal3 is still there to offer fee-free trades and that's a Good Thing (I dare you not to think about Martha Stewart while that replays in your head, you're welcome!).

With the above move from Loyal3 came an inspiration to open a traditional brokerage account.  So, I made a buy there as well.  Loyal3 is great, but they don't offer everything.  I wanted to get my hands on something in the gas and oil sector, so I gobbled up 10 shares of BP.  I bought at $40.54 and after the fee, my cost was $410.35.  Seemed pretty good.  Now let's hope that BP isn't down for the count and weathers through all it's recent storms.

The Loyal3 buys included $50 in each of:

Mattel (MAT) - I was looking for another stock with a dividend date I could receive before the end of the year and my kids like their toys.
Kohl's (KSS) - I put the order in before the dip, but the purchase was made after the dip, so I'll take it.
Gap (GPS) - Missed the ex date, but I think this could be an OK buy as well.
Unilever (UL) - Wanted to get in on more of this one.

I'm looking to make another buy through the brokerage this week.  My greedy side wants to shoot for high yield, but my conservative side says go for something different.  Here's hoping I don't screw it up too much!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monthly Progress Report - October 2014

First month on record.  I'm only a very few days into tracking my progress and this is the first monthly report.

Overall, in the month of October I have mostly continued my previous course while starting to navigate on my future course.  Here is a summary of the last month's transfers:

  • Deposited and funded $200 worth into my Lending Club (LC) account.
  • Transferred $1500 into my main savings to fund an emergency account.  This account also serves as my 'future car payments'.  Since I have no loans now, I am depositing funds into the account with the mindset of eventually having to replace the car.
  • Transferred $50 into the dream account.  This is just an off-shoot of the main savings and I am not intending on drawing from it anytime soon.
  • Made pre-tax deposits in my work's 457(b) plan.  An automatic draw of $120 every 2 weeks.
  • Auto funded the wife's IRA at $150/mo.
  • Started and purchased $200 worth of shares at Loyal3 (L3).  I made 4 different purchases of $50 each and bought into:
    • Coke (KO) - Looked like a good buy because of the drop earlier
    • Intel (INTC) - I wanted to start a diversified base and build from there.  I never said I was good at this, but I'm in it for the long haul.
    • Unilever (UL) - This was one of those buzz stocks people were talking about and the numbers looked good
    • Activision (ATVI) - because it looked cool, I'm a gamer and it had a small dividend.  Again, in it for the long haul and I will reference my username for this and several other buys in the future.
So, the monthly haul included almost exclusively interest gained and very little dividends.  I'm hoping this will start to turn around as the months go by, but I know I have to be patient.  Interest was gained from my cash accounts along with my LC account.  No dividend this month from my wife's IRA, that should come quarterly.  The only dividend recorded came from my 457 plan which was negated by the fee charged...whoopee!

SavingsTotalLast Month Dep10/2014 Int/Div
Main Savings$8,928.19$1,500.00$6.64
Dream Account$2,277.35$50.00$1.82
CD (2.15%)$1,012.97$0.00$1.83
Lending Club$1,133.35$200.00$10.67
457(b) Plan$31,406.27$360.00-$0.01
Wife IRA$68,427.00$150.00$0.00

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Here goes Nothin'

Well, I started a blog.  I also started an interest in the exciting world of Passive Income (que epic sci-fi echo sound effect).  I should say, I started an interest some time ago but could not drum up the funds to begin.  Or so I thought.  What was really happening was that I had debt and I felt like little old me couldn't ever accumulate enough capital to actually be an 'investor'.  I had my funds through work and a small savings account and there I sat, plodding along.  Until I began to read different blogs and such and realized there is a whole lot of other schmucks just sitting there plodding along, without much capital and they really are 'investors'.

Hey! Why can't I be a plodding investor too?  

So I kicked the debt and started a trickle which I hope to turn into a stream and eventually a flow.  And I also started this blog so that I can put my thoughts down and keep myself honest.  If anybody is out there reading, maybe they can keep me honest too.

In a little while, once I figure out this blog-thing, I'll try to update my current status.